
What is ABSA?

ABSA stands for Auction and Book Sales Archive, the most authoritative record of sale for rare and antiquarian books and manuscripts with professionally edited and curated information on auction records from the past 50 years and counting. [read more]

What is American Book Prices Current (ABPC)? What happened to it?

American Book Prices Current served the trade for nearly 100 years: first as an annual print publication, and later as a digital resource. In 2024, BIBLIO - in partnership with the Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America - acquired American Book Prices Current and relaunched American Book Prices Current under the banner of the Auction and Book Sales Archive with fresh data and a completely redesigned interface.

How can I access auction and price data?

Access to the Auction and Book Sales Archive is available to professional book dealers, libraries and institutions, appraisers, auction houses, archivists, and private book collectors by quarterly or annual subscription.

How do I report an error or missing auction information?

We are the most thorough and carefully curated source for information on rare books and manuscripts, but in the event you encounter a record or source that you believe contains an error, please email us at

How often is new price and auction data added?

We are continually adding new price and auction records. The timelines for availability of recent auction and sales records varies by source.

Why can't I see the prices and other information on a sale record?

BIBLIO's Auction and Book Sales Archive is available only by subscription. Non-subscribers are able to use the search, but are only able to access limited information on auction and sales records.

If you already have a subscription and are seeing price or auction data that is blurred out, please ensure that you are logged in to the correct BIBLIO account.

Can you tell me how much my book is worth?

As a subscriber to BIBLIO's Auction and Book Sales Archive, you have full access to millions of records of sale of some of the most collected and rare books and manuscripts in the world. This, coupled with a working knowledge of book collecting and terminology, can help you ascertain the potential value and scarcity of a given book. We are not appraisers though, and so are unable to provide you with specific guidance on the value of a book. For this, we recommend contacting an appraiser for your book or collection.

I've found a book on ABSA that I want. How can I purchase it?

The records in the Auction and Book Sale Archive are historical records of sale only and the items are not for sale on ABSA. However, rare books and manuscripts do frequently reappear on the market, or you may be able to find an equivalent or better copy currently for sale. Embedded within ABSA, you'll find tools that allow you to look for similar copies on BIBLIO or to add the item to your want list so that BIBLIO can notify you in the future when a copy appears on the market. You can also visit BIBLIO directly and use our book search to find the ideal copy.

Do I have to create a BIBLIO account to access ABSA?

Undergirding the invaluable trove of information that ABSA provides, BIBLIO's core technology delivers a sophisticated and expert platform for subscribers. One single account and log in is all that is necessary to access both ABSA and to BIBLIO's vast marketplace as either a buyer or a seller, delivering a convenient and secure experience for all of our users.

Who is BIBLIO?

BIBLIO is the largest independent marketplace in the world for rare, antiquarian, and second-hand books. Like ABSA, we differentiate ourselves from the competition by offering a more curated selection from the finest booksellers in the world - while still offering a staggering selection of more than 80 million books for sale. Founded by booksellers and fiercely independent, we are an ethical and socially-conscious alternative to Amazon and its subsidiary, Abebooks.